dVRK teleop psm 2.1

Type: object

Configuration file format for the dVRK PSM tele-operation component. See dVRK wiki. This schema is used for the dVRK console configuration.

No Additional Properties

Type: number

Scale factor applied to translations from the MTM to the PSM

Value must be strictly greater than 0.0 and lesser or equal to 1.0

Type: boolean Default: false

Ignore PSM jaws and incidentally the MTM gripper. This can be used for PSM tools (or generic PSM arms) without jaws and/or MTM arms without a gripper.

Type: boolean Default: false

Start the tele-operation component with the rotation locked, i.e. the PSM orientation will not change and the MTM wrist will be locked (for MTMs with motorized wrist such as the da Vinci MTM). This can be overwritten at runtime using the GUI or ROS topics.

Type: boolean Default: false

Start the tele-operation component with the translation locked, i.e. the PSM position will not change. This can be overwritten at runtime using the GUI or ROS topics.

Type: number

Maximum orientation difference between the MTM and PSM allowed before starting the tele-operation. The error is computed by converting the difference of orientation to an axis-angle. This threshold is ingnored if "align-mtm" is set to false. Most users should steer away from this setting. The default is defined in components/include/sawIntuitiveResearchKit/mtsIntuitiveResearchKit.h: `mtsIntuitiveResearchKit::TeleOperationPSM::OrientationTolerance

Value must be greater or equal to 0.0

Type: number

This is one of two parameters used to detect hand motion from the operator to determine if their hand is on the MTM (see also "start-roll-thresold"). To prevent accidentally getting in follow mode, the tele-operation component tries to detect some motion on the MTM, using a combination of thresholds on the gripper and roll motion. In any of these motions exceed the corresponding thresholds, the tele-operation component assumes the operator have their hand on the MTM and tele-operation can start. If any of these threshold is set to zero, the tele-operation will start without any motion the on the MTM. This can be used for testing with a simulated MTM where emulating gripper and roll motion would be complicated (see "arm": "simulation"). Most users should steer away from this setting. The default is defined in components/include/sawIntuitiveResearchKit/mtsIntuitiveResearchKit.h: `mtsIntuitiveResearchKit::TeleOperationPSM::GripperThreshold

Value must be greater or equal to 0.0

Type: number

See "start-gripper-threshold" for description. Most users should steer away from this setting. The default is defined in components/include/sawIntuitiveResearchKit/mtsIntuitiveResearchKit.h: `mtsIntuitiveResearchKit::TeleOperationPSM::RollThreshold

Value must be greater or equal to 0.0

Type: boolean Default: true

Enforce absolute orientation between the MTM and PSM. On clinical da Vinci systems this is always true, i.e. the orientation of the operator's hands with respect to the display always matches the orientation of the tooltip with respect to the endoscopic camera. For research purposes, it can be interesting to allow relative orientation between the MTM and PSM. This can also be useful for alternate MTMs (e.g. ForceDimension devices) with a smaller SO3 space which might require orientation "clutching". To note, the application publishes the error in orientation between the MTM and PSM when the tele-operation is in Following mode. This can be overwritten at runtime using the GUI or ROS topics.

Type: number

Maximum rate (velocity) for the PSM jaw angle in radians per seconds. Most users should steer away from this setting. The default is defined in components/include/sawIntuitiveResearchKit/mtsIntuitiveResearchKit.h: `mtsIntuitiveResearchKit::TeleOperationPSM::JawRate

Value must be strictly greater than 0.0

Type: number

Maximum rate (velocity) for the PSM jaw angle in radians per seconds when returning from clutch. When the user returns from clutch mode and back in follow mode, the PSM jaw angle might not match the MTM gripper angle. To prevent sudden changes in jaw angle, the PSM jaws moves at a slower rate until it "recovers" and matches the MTM gripper angle. Most users should steer away from this setting. The default is defined in components/include/sawIntuitiveResearchKit/mtsIntuitiveResearchKit.h: `mtsIntuitiveResearchKit::TeleOperationPSM::JawRateBackFromClutch

Value must be strictly greater than 0.0

Type: object

Scaling applied to the MTM gripper angle. This angle is then used to control the PSM jaw angle. By default, the tele-operation component assumes that the MTM gripper maximum angle is 60 degrees (as defined in the gripper calibration) and the angle 0 corresponds to the PSM jaws being closed. When closed (angle set to 0), the PSM jaws don't apply any significant torque (just enough for the PID control to maintain a zero angle) so to apply a stonger grip, the tele-operation component sends a negative jaw angle to the PSM. Since the jaws can't have a negative angle, this will lead to a higher tracking error and by direct consequence, the PID will apply a strong torque. The "gripper-scaling" parameters are used to linearly interpolate the MTM gripper angles to the default convention, i.e. [0, 60] for positive range and some room for negative angles.
For example, if your MTM has an effective range of [0, 30], set the "max" to 30 and the "zero" to 5. This way the values between 5 and 30 will be mapped to [0, 60] and values below 5 will generate negative angles for the PSM jaws (i.e. applying extra torque)

No Additional Properties

Type: number Default: 0.0

Angle in radians on the MTM corresponding to just closed jaws on the PSM

Type: number Default: 1.0472

Maximum angle in radians the MTM can send. By default, 60 degrees (by convention for dVRK MTMs)

Type: array of array

[Deprecated] Make sure your arms are properly aligned using their "base-frame". Only use this attribute if your arms don't support "base-frame", i.e. non-dVRK arms.

Must contain a minimum of 3 items

Must contain a maximum of 3 items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: array of number

Must contain a minimum of 3 items

Must contain a maximum of 3 items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: number